Friday, October 31, 2008

Episode 11: Hey parents! Wake up!

In the restroom at my office is a radio. Why the powers that be decided to place said radio in the restroom remains a mystery to me. Maybe some people need the inspiration.

As I was using the facility today, I overheard one of those radio ads that is sponsored by an organization dedicated to helping keep kids off of drugs. The ad encouraged parents to talk to their kids, and in doing so, they would be less likely to ever try drugs in the first place. This "ad" set off an alarm in my head, hence the rant you currently read.

What the heck has happened in our society that parents have to be reminded by an anti-drug campaign to talk to their kids? They are YOUR kids! YOU should be talking to them because they ARE your kids. It isn’t up to the government, or the school systems, or radio ads to police their activities, it up to the parents.

In the last few years I have seen a disturbing trend taking place. One where it seems that telling your kids no or handing out discipline, will somehow damage them. I have heard statements along this thought process like "I don’t want them to hate me" or "I'm just trying to be their friend".

Earth to parents! Your kid has plenty of friends, and you don’t even know who they are half the time, they need a PARENT not a friend! Your kid NEEDS somebody to train them, to correct them, and someone who isn’t afraid to discipline them. It short, kids need parents who love them enough to stay all up in their business. If you don’t do that, they WILL hate you, and they will have no respect for any kind of authority EVER!

I am so thankful that I was raised by loving parents who stayed in my business. They knew who my friends were; they knew where I was, where I was going, and who I was going with. They told me no, but they also told me yes. They talked to me, and they listened. And by their blood, sweat, tears, and a LOT of prayers, I have become who I am today.

Joy and I have the same resolve that mine, and her parents, did. We will strive to raise two competent and healthy adults who will become contributing members of society. Adults who will respect authority and live by the law, be polite, have basic manners, say “Yes Sir” and “Yes Ma’am”, and most importantly to love and follow Jesus Christ with heart, soul, and mind. The only way for that to happen is if we are diligent in setting boundaries and letting them face the full weight of the consequences when they step outside those boundaries. It isn’t always easy, but that is our goal. And by the Grace of God we will reach it.