Monday, December 22, 2008

Episode 14: Merry Xmas! (I can't stand Christians!)

For someone fully immersed in the church, I sometimes just really can’t stand Christians!

It bothers me when "Christians" spend so much time arguing about petty things, like the term "Xmas", that they totally miss the opportunity to share what Christmas is really about. It really peeves me when they take stances on these "issues" without doing the research to find out what’s really behind it.

For years I have heard that the term "Xmas" is just a commercialized way for "the world" to take Christ out of Christmas. In reality this couldn't be farther from the truth. Here is what "Xmas" really means.

From Wikipedia:
The word "Christ" and its compounds, including "Christmas", have been abbreviated in English for at least the past 1,000 years, long before the modern "Xmas" was commonly used. "Christ" was often written as "XP" or "Xt"; there are references in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as far back as AD 1021. This X and P arose as the uppercase forms of the Greek letters χ and ρ), used in ancient abbreviations for Χριστος (Greek for "Christ"), and are still widely seen in many Eastern Orthodox icons depicting Jesus Christ. The labarum, an amalgamation of the two Greek letters rendered as ☧, is a symbol often used to represent Christ in Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox Christian Churches.

So to all the "Christians" out there who are either too lazy or too ignorant to come down off their lofty pedestals, get their hands dirty, and share the real wonder of Christmas, I say: MERRY XMAS!

Xmas for me is about peace, family, hope, and time spent together. Most of all it's about ☧. Without Him none of us would be here to celebrate. And heck, anything that makes me have to type less is cool by me, especially when twitter only gives you 140 characters!

Merry Xmas to you and yours.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Episode 13: Everthing's Amazing, Nobody's Happy

NewLife is currently in a sermon series called Zip It which deals with the power of our words and how we can use them in the right way, or the wrong way. Last weekend I spoke a message called "Containing Complaining". I think this video explains our culture's never satisfied attitude. Check it out:

What do you take for granted? What do you complain about that you should be thankful for instead?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Episode 12: Let's get sexual!

Our world is driven by sex. It's everywhere and you can't stick your head in the sand and deny it. Sex is used to sell everything from cars to mops, it's on every freeway, in every magazine, and on every channel, or so it seems. Our culture has taken a God given gift and twisted it into what it was never intended to be and it's high time WE as Christians start making the effort to turn this destructive movement on its heels and make a difference in our world.

I think there are two places where we HAVE to talk about sex.

The first is in the home. Parents we have the responsibility of making sure our kids understand what God, and his Word, have to say regarding sex. WAKE UP! Don't be deceived! Your kids WILL learn about sex at school. I don't care if you paid extra for them to be in a private Christian school, they will still be surrounded by other kids and they WILL talk about sex. Do you want your kids to learn about sex from them, or you? Take the time to figure out when and how to have this difficult conversation and DO IT. If you need help, read on.

The second place we MUST have the sex talk is in the church. We have to talk about it in the church because the BIBLE talks about it. I have been encouraged as of late because a lot of churches have finally wised up and started talking about sex. For far too long the church has been way too passive on this matter. Somewhere along the course of church history we got the idea that sex is "dirty" and it became taboo to talk about it. The truth is that God created sex and made it so that, in the right context, we can worship Him through it.

One of the many churches that has began to be very vocal concerning sex is Fellowship Church right here in Grapevine, TX. Through the vision and Godly leadership of their pastor Ed Young, they are playing a huge role in turning our cultures' thoughts and actions of sex back to what God intended it to be.

Ed is currently doing a series called "Leaving Lust Vegas" concerning sexual sin and purity. I highly recommend that you check it out. The most talked about part of this series is Ed's "Seven Days of Sex" challenge. In the hopes of restoring intimacy and strength to marriages, he has challenged all of the married couples at Fellowship to have sex every day for seven days. Check it out here.

The media, who of course knows everything that is righteous and holy, has grabbed hold of this and has literally gone crazy. Ed has been interviewed on practically every major network, on morning talk shows, and even on ESPN! The fact that God is using the secular media to spread His Word makes me want to shout. I love God's sense of humor!

I also love the creativity that is in play with this idea and I am hoping it is just the beginning of a cultural revolution regarding love, intimacy, and sex. I am so thankful that God is still in the life-changing business and that he is leading his Church to go against the grain and teach the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.

So how about it couples? Will you take the challenge? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Episode 11: Hey parents! Wake up!

In the restroom at my office is a radio. Why the powers that be decided to place said radio in the restroom remains a mystery to me. Maybe some people need the inspiration.

As I was using the facility today, I overheard one of those radio ads that is sponsored by an organization dedicated to helping keep kids off of drugs. The ad encouraged parents to talk to their kids, and in doing so, they would be less likely to ever try drugs in the first place. This "ad" set off an alarm in my head, hence the rant you currently read.

What the heck has happened in our society that parents have to be reminded by an anti-drug campaign to talk to their kids? They are YOUR kids! YOU should be talking to them because they ARE your kids. It isn’t up to the government, or the school systems, or radio ads to police their activities, it up to the parents.

In the last few years I have seen a disturbing trend taking place. One where it seems that telling your kids no or handing out discipline, will somehow damage them. I have heard statements along this thought process like "I don’t want them to hate me" or "I'm just trying to be their friend".

Earth to parents! Your kid has plenty of friends, and you don’t even know who they are half the time, they need a PARENT not a friend! Your kid NEEDS somebody to train them, to correct them, and someone who isn’t afraid to discipline them. It short, kids need parents who love them enough to stay all up in their business. If you don’t do that, they WILL hate you, and they will have no respect for any kind of authority EVER!

I am so thankful that I was raised by loving parents who stayed in my business. They knew who my friends were; they knew where I was, where I was going, and who I was going with. They told me no, but they also told me yes. They talked to me, and they listened. And by their blood, sweat, tears, and a LOT of prayers, I have become who I am today.

Joy and I have the same resolve that mine, and her parents, did. We will strive to raise two competent and healthy adults who will become contributing members of society. Adults who will respect authority and live by the law, be polite, have basic manners, say “Yes Sir” and “Yes Ma’am”, and most importantly to love and follow Jesus Christ with heart, soul, and mind. The only way for that to happen is if we are diligent in setting boundaries and letting them face the full weight of the consequences when they step outside those boundaries. It isn’t always easy, but that is our goal. And by the Grace of God we will reach it.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Episode 10: The sky is falling!...or is it?

A wiser man than I once said "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it"

This has been extremely evident to me as I have watched the current economic "crisis" unfold. All I can think as I see and hear the dismay and fear is; This isn't new! The US economy goes up and goes down, and it has done so since the dawn of this wonderful nation. If it's down today it will go up again tomorrow. We have bought into the sensationalism of the media and the over zealousness of politicians, and a Chicken Little "the sky is falling" fear has seemed to envelop our nation.

Here is the truth. Despite who is in the White House, despite who is in Congress, despite what the news media has to say, GOD is still on His throne. He hasn't forsaken us, left us, or changed since the day He created this world. Nothing happens that He hasn't preconceived.

When the next president is voted in, God isn't going to wake up, look at the morning edition, and proclaim surprise. He knew, He knows, all that is, was, and is to come.

So while this chaos goes on, I hope that you will turn off the TV, put down the Blackberry and the newspaper, and read the only constant Truth there is. Here is a part of that Truth that has resounded with me over the last few days.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Tim 1:7

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Episode 9: Jesus is a Friend of Mine

A lot has been said in my world lately about progress. I think this is prime example of why progressing is so important.

I think I can safely say that barring an act of God, or alien abduction in which my brain is vacuumed out and replaced with steel wool, you will not hear this song at NewLife any time in the future.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Episode 8: Something good on TV.

I don't think it is too much of a stretch to say that it's hard to find wholesome programming on TV these days. While I know that not everything I watch could hold the label of "wholesome", there is one show that I think fits the bill.

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is a show that I find myself watching from time to time, and thinking "that is so cool." The show takes a family that is deserving and builds them, in 7 days with the help of hundreds of volunteers, a brand new dream home. I am blessed to come from a heritage that taught me to be a giver and this show really personifies that ideal.

If you have never seen the show, I would recommend giving it a try. The ladies will get all emotional(and maybe some of you guys too) when the big "reveal" takes place, and I admit there is something electric that happens when a family sees, for the first time, a new house that has been built by so much love and sacrifice.

This brings me to wonder what my reaction will be when someday I see the place that has been "prepared" for me. I may not shout "move that bus", but I guarantee there will be some shouting going on!

However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" 1 Cor. 2:9

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Episode 7: Dear Abby preaches.

I have a confession to make... I read Dear Abby. (Man it feels good to get that out in the open.) I have been reading Abby's popular advice column for several years though I'm not really sure when, or even why, I started reading it. Maybe it's just a way for me to be reminded of how blessed my life really is, and that there are so many who have it way worse than me and my "problems."

I am sharing an excerpt from one of her recent columns because it really holds a powerful truth. As someone in a leadership role in a growing church, I am always looking for ideas and ways to make things more welcoming for those who attend our weekend services. So when I read this, it really grabbed my attention. I love Abby's answer.

DEAR ABBY: I am writing about a change I have seen in church. I accept the loud guitar music and informal settings, although I do miss the traditional hymns and formal altars.
What I cannot get used to is the forced "friendly" greeting and handshaking. I attend church to meditate and worship with my family. I do not go to shake hands with strangers and give them a greeting dictated by a pastor.

I like people. I am naturally caring, outgoing and friendly. However, I believe that a greeting or handshake should come from my own heart.

I have mentioned this to friends and family from all faiths, ages and walks of life. None of them like this scheduled "greeting" either. Many say they head for the restroom at that time, turn their backs or just shake hands with the people they came with, come to church late to avoid it, or don't come at all. Others feel the practice is unsanitary.

I suggest that church leaders take an anonymous poll and ask how many in their congregations agree with me. What do you think, Abby? -- MINISTER'S DAUGHTER, CAYUCOS, CALIF.

DEAR DAUGHTER: Thank you for asking my opinion. Here it is: Something is wrong in our fragmented society if, for one moment in a house of God, people cannot find it in their hearts to reach out and make sure that everyone feels included and welcome. And for those who fear it is unsanitary -- bring small bottles of hand sanitizer.

I think Abby has a little preacher in her. What a great reminder that it's not about what we like or what makes us comfortable. Let's get outside of ourselves and make people feel welcome, even when it's a bit "unsanitary."

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Episode 6: Legalized murder?

When I became a parent I had a laundry list of things that I said "I will never..." to. Lately a lot of those immature wisecracks have been coming home to roost. It seems that kids go through "phases" in life, where the preconceived notions we have about the way they should act, and the things they do, make you think about murder.

I have two boys. One is three, the other is four. To say the least, it’s crazy around my house at times. From the fighting, to the nights they don’t sleep well and I end up with a foot in my face, there is never a dull moment.

Sometimes these "phases" are enough that, like any parent, I wonder if I would be justified in murder. Now, before you start sending me rude emails, let me clarify that I would never harm my children. I'm simply saying if murder was legal they might have cause to worry a little.

I was venting some of my thoughts on this subject to my Dad the other day. After another sleepless night, and the 47th fight of the day, I said "It's a good thing, for their sake, that murder isn't legal." My father, full of Godly Wisdom, replied to me in a way that only someone with his maturity and experience could, and his reply is still ringing in my ears.

He said "If murder were legal son, you wouldn't be having this conversation with me right now."

If that doesn't deflate your pride, I don't know what will.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Episode 5: The answer(s) to my prayer.

I once heard it said that God answers prayers with one of three answers. Yes, no, and wait.

He often answers with a “yes”. God knows how to give good things to his children.

He sometimes answers “no”. God, who is a parent like me, also knows that I don’t need everything I think I do. I may want it, but that doesn’t mean I need it. So my natural response to an answer of “no” usually resembles my kids response when I tell them “no”. I throw a little tantrum, or ask “why” repeatedly thinking I will some how change the mind of a loving parent (God) who knows what is best for me. It never works by the way. I know none of your kids, or any of you, act that way. It’s only me and my kids.

In my life though, I have discovered that “no” is not the hardest answer to take. I think it is “wait”. In a culture that is all about instant gratification (See: drive-through windows and credit card debt), “wait” is not something that is easy to deal with. It seems to me it would just be easier to get a “no”. At least then I could throw my tantrum and be done with it. When I have to wait it causes me to be patient. (something I have never been good at)

I am going through a “wait” time in my life right now. There is something that I have prayed, begged, and pleaded with God to give me. He hasn’t said “no”, but “wait”. It isn’t easy waiting, but when the time comes I will see why He has chosen to make me wait, and it will be better than anything I could have come up with.

I can’t wait!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Episode 4: My first, and definitely not my last, random rant.

Lets talk about Capri pants.

You've seen them. All the ladies are wearing them these days. They go by a lot of different names, Clam-diggers, Pedal Pushers, Knickerbockers, Capri's. Whatever you want to call them, I don’t think I like ‘em. I mean what are they really? Are they long shorts? Are they short pants? What in the name of fashion are they?

The thing I dislike the most is, after talking to my wife and some of my female friends, I find out they cost the same, or more, than full-length pants. What!? They have less material! How can they cost the same? OR MORE?

This is a direct attack on the wallets of men all across America. This cannot continue. Won’t you join with me and lets stamp out this threat. I need ideas on how to make it happen guys. This is dangerous stuff gentlemen. We need to be on our A-game.

Maybe we could hire the A-Team?

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Episode 3: Credit where credit is due.

The picture at the top of this blog isn't mine. It was taken by someone that is so talented with a camera that even I look good. Thanks j8k!

The house I live in isn't mine. It actually still belongs to Washington Mutual. Gotta love the mortgage.

My car isn't mine. It is paid for, but still not mine.

My family, money, possessions, talents & abilities, even my next breath isn't mine.

My life does not belong to me!

When will I learn that I am just a manager, not an owner?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Episode 2: Random invite opportunities.

I love invite opportunities. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about here it is: I love when I get to invite people to church. It seems like the last few months I really hadn't gotten an opportunity to invite anyone to church. Probably because I wasn't paying attention(I do that sometimes) This week though things have changed big time. I have invited several co-workers to come check out the awesomeness that is New Life.

Here is the best part. It has happened because of Kabbalah. That’s right, because of the religion that Madonna, Demi, Paris, and all those other crazy Kabbalah cult celebrities( hereafter mentioned in this blog as CKCC) follow. Now before you think Ive gone and lost my marbles(a highly debatable topic) ,let me explain.

Pastor B has been doing a series of talks called “thread”. He has been talking about “putting on Christ” and “being clothed in Christ”. At the beginning of the series he gave out red threads to wear on our wrists to remind us to “put on Christ”. Apparently something people who practice Kabbalah do.

It seems as though wearing this red string has suddenly made me ultra-visible to my co-workers, before they just liked me for my hair style. I have had no less than six of them ask me “So, are you practicing Kabbalah now?”. At first I was thinking “Oh great my co-workers are going to think I’m a wacko”(another highly debatable topic). But then I thought, what an opportunity to invite people to church. So that's what I did. I pray all of them come this weekend.

How many invite opportunities have you passed up lately? If you need some help grab a thread this weekend and see what happens.

I love invite opportunities.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Episode 1: An explanation of things random and useless

I have been told, on many occasions, that I am "chock full of completely random and useless information". While I do not disagree per-say. It obviously isn't completely useless, as I am now using said information to write a blog. It also comes in extremely handy when a spontaneous game of Trival Pursuit breaks out.

I am going to use the power of the Web(thanks Al Gore) to share with you some of the random-uselessness that is me. Feel free to comment, make fun of, or share as you see fit.

What you read here I hope will make you laugh, cry, think, and self-examine. Not all at the same time though, that could cause some serious cramping.