Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Episode 10: The sky is falling!...or is it?

A wiser man than I once said "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it"

This has been extremely evident to me as I have watched the current economic "crisis" unfold. All I can think as I see and hear the dismay and fear is; This isn't new! The US economy goes up and goes down, and it has done so since the dawn of this wonderful nation. If it's down today it will go up again tomorrow. We have bought into the sensationalism of the media and the over zealousness of politicians, and a Chicken Little "the sky is falling" fear has seemed to envelop our nation.

Here is the truth. Despite who is in the White House, despite who is in Congress, despite what the news media has to say, GOD is still on His throne. He hasn't forsaken us, left us, or changed since the day He created this world. Nothing happens that He hasn't preconceived.

When the next president is voted in, God isn't going to wake up, look at the morning edition, and proclaim surprise. He knew, He knows, all that is, was, and is to come.

So while this chaos goes on, I hope that you will turn off the TV, put down the Blackberry and the newspaper, and read the only constant Truth there is. Here is a part of that Truth that has resounded with me over the last few days.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Tim 1:7


The Ferguson Family: said...

I was just saying the very same thing to someone just the other day. Regardless of who is elected or the current economic "crisis", God is still God and that will never change.

Brooks Inc. said...

great words to remember Nate! thanks for calling us back to THE truth!

Racquel Dawn said...

Thanks for the reminder!

homecooks said...

When I get all worked up thinking about this very same subject all that I have to hold on to is that God is in control. What I pray for and what I know my husband, friends and family are praying for is that when Obama does take office that he doesn't just pick Yes Sir men. That he will pick people that will stand up for us. Thanks Nathan for touching on a very touchy subject.
DeAna M