Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Episode 10: The sky is falling!...or is it?

A wiser man than I once said "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it"

This has been extremely evident to me as I have watched the current economic "crisis" unfold. All I can think as I see and hear the dismay and fear is; This isn't new! The US economy goes up and goes down, and it has done so since the dawn of this wonderful nation. If it's down today it will go up again tomorrow. We have bought into the sensationalism of the media and the over zealousness of politicians, and a Chicken Little "the sky is falling" fear has seemed to envelop our nation.

Here is the truth. Despite who is in the White House, despite who is in Congress, despite what the news media has to say, GOD is still on His throne. He hasn't forsaken us, left us, or changed since the day He created this world. Nothing happens that He hasn't preconceived.

When the next president is voted in, God isn't going to wake up, look at the morning edition, and proclaim surprise. He knew, He knows, all that is, was, and is to come.

So while this chaos goes on, I hope that you will turn off the TV, put down the Blackberry and the newspaper, and read the only constant Truth there is. Here is a part of that Truth that has resounded with me over the last few days.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Tim 1:7

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Episode 9: Jesus is a Friend of Mine

A lot has been said in my world lately about progress. I think this is prime example of why progressing is so important.

I think I can safely say that barring an act of God, or alien abduction in which my brain is vacuumed out and replaced with steel wool, you will not hear this song at NewLife any time in the future.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Episode 8: Something good on TV.

I don't think it is too much of a stretch to say that it's hard to find wholesome programming on TV these days. While I know that not everything I watch could hold the label of "wholesome", there is one show that I think fits the bill.

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is a show that I find myself watching from time to time, and thinking "that is so cool." The show takes a family that is deserving and builds them, in 7 days with the help of hundreds of volunteers, a brand new dream home. I am blessed to come from a heritage that taught me to be a giver and this show really personifies that ideal.

If you have never seen the show, I would recommend giving it a try. The ladies will get all emotional(and maybe some of you guys too) when the big "reveal" takes place, and I admit there is something electric that happens when a family sees, for the first time, a new house that has been built by so much love and sacrifice.

This brings me to wonder what my reaction will be when someday I see the place that has been "prepared" for me. I may not shout "move that bus", but I guarantee there will be some shouting going on!

However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" 1 Cor. 2:9

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Episode 7: Dear Abby preaches.

I have a confession to make... I read Dear Abby. (Man it feels good to get that out in the open.) I have been reading Abby's popular advice column for several years though I'm not really sure when, or even why, I started reading it. Maybe it's just a way for me to be reminded of how blessed my life really is, and that there are so many who have it way worse than me and my "problems."

I am sharing an excerpt from one of her recent columns because it really holds a powerful truth. As someone in a leadership role in a growing church, I am always looking for ideas and ways to make things more welcoming for those who attend our weekend services. So when I read this, it really grabbed my attention. I love Abby's answer.

DEAR ABBY: I am writing about a change I have seen in church. I accept the loud guitar music and informal settings, although I do miss the traditional hymns and formal altars.
What I cannot get used to is the forced "friendly" greeting and handshaking. I attend church to meditate and worship with my family. I do not go to shake hands with strangers and give them a greeting dictated by a pastor.

I like people. I am naturally caring, outgoing and friendly. However, I believe that a greeting or handshake should come from my own heart.

I have mentioned this to friends and family from all faiths, ages and walks of life. None of them like this scheduled "greeting" either. Many say they head for the restroom at that time, turn their backs or just shake hands with the people they came with, come to church late to avoid it, or don't come at all. Others feel the practice is unsanitary.

I suggest that church leaders take an anonymous poll and ask how many in their congregations agree with me. What do you think, Abby? -- MINISTER'S DAUGHTER, CAYUCOS, CALIF.

DEAR DAUGHTER: Thank you for asking my opinion. Here it is: Something is wrong in our fragmented society if, for one moment in a house of God, people cannot find it in their hearts to reach out and make sure that everyone feels included and welcome. And for those who fear it is unsanitary -- bring small bottles of hand sanitizer.

I think Abby has a little preacher in her. What a great reminder that it's not about what we like or what makes us comfortable. Let's get outside of ourselves and make people feel welcome, even when it's a bit "unsanitary."