Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Episode 3: Credit where credit is due.

The picture at the top of this blog isn't mine. It was taken by someone that is so talented with a camera that even I look good. Thanks j8k!

The house I live in isn't mine. It actually still belongs to Washington Mutual. Gotta love the mortgage.

My car isn't mine. It is paid for, but still not mine.

My family, money, possessions, talents & abilities, even my next breath isn't mine.

My life does not belong to me!

When will I learn that I am just a manager, not an owner?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Episode 2: Random invite opportunities.

I love invite opportunities. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about here it is: I love when I get to invite people to church. It seems like the last few months I really hadn't gotten an opportunity to invite anyone to church. Probably because I wasn't paying attention(I do that sometimes) This week though things have changed big time. I have invited several co-workers to come check out the awesomeness that is New Life.

Here is the best part. It has happened because of Kabbalah. That’s right, because of the religion that Madonna, Demi, Paris, and all those other crazy Kabbalah cult celebrities( hereafter mentioned in this blog as CKCC) follow. Now before you think Ive gone and lost my marbles(a highly debatable topic) ,let me explain.

Pastor B has been doing a series of talks called “thread”. He has been talking about “putting on Christ” and “being clothed in Christ”. At the beginning of the series he gave out red threads to wear on our wrists to remind us to “put on Christ”. Apparently something people who practice Kabbalah do.

It seems as though wearing this red string has suddenly made me ultra-visible to my co-workers, before they just liked me for my hair style. I have had no less than six of them ask me “So, are you practicing Kabbalah now?”. At first I was thinking “Oh great my co-workers are going to think I’m a wacko”(another highly debatable topic). But then I thought, what an opportunity to invite people to church. So that's what I did. I pray all of them come this weekend.

How many invite opportunities have you passed up lately? If you need some help grab a thread this weekend and see what happens.

I love invite opportunities.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Episode 1: An explanation of things random and useless

I have been told, on many occasions, that I am "chock full of completely random and useless information". While I do not disagree per-say. It obviously isn't completely useless, as I am now using said information to write a blog. It also comes in extremely handy when a spontaneous game of Trival Pursuit breaks out.

I am going to use the power of the Web(thanks Al Gore) to share with you some of the random-uselessness that is me. Feel free to comment, make fun of, or share as you see fit.

What you read here I hope will make you laugh, cry, think, and self-examine. Not all at the same time though, that could cause some serious cramping.