Saturday, July 19, 2008

Episode 6: Legalized murder?

When I became a parent I had a laundry list of things that I said "I will never..." to. Lately a lot of those immature wisecracks have been coming home to roost. It seems that kids go through "phases" in life, where the preconceived notions we have about the way they should act, and the things they do, make you think about murder.

I have two boys. One is three, the other is four. To say the least, it’s crazy around my house at times. From the fighting, to the nights they don’t sleep well and I end up with a foot in my face, there is never a dull moment.

Sometimes these "phases" are enough that, like any parent, I wonder if I would be justified in murder. Now, before you start sending me rude emails, let me clarify that I would never harm my children. I'm simply saying if murder was legal they might have cause to worry a little.

I was venting some of my thoughts on this subject to my Dad the other day. After another sleepless night, and the 47th fight of the day, I said "It's a good thing, for their sake, that murder isn't legal." My father, full of Godly Wisdom, replied to me in a way that only someone with his maturity and experience could, and his reply is still ringing in my ears.

He said "If murder were legal son, you wouldn't be having this conversation with me right now."

If that doesn't deflate your pride, I don't know what will.


robowerks said...

Thank God for that, see you at work on Monday, plenty to do there. ;)

Brandon said...

No more wild action movies for you bro...I'm putting you in time-out.

I guess it does give reason to why some animals do eat their young though...

Unknown said...

Murder may be a tad harsh.

I think something like legalized drugs would be better. A few blue pills for the kids, a few red pills for daddy. Then you don't really care what's going on around you. Plus, Nickelodeon's programing would starts making perfect sense!

But no pills for mommy, because that would probably be bad parenting. She can just stick to the booze.......

marty's 2 pennies said...

Oh, the dreams of retro active abortions... been there, thought about that and all I got was a lousy t-shirt. Just a word of encouragement from a dad with 23+ years experience raising two wonderful little gentlemen, it only gets worse!

My parents always told me that I would pay for may raising, with a peculiar look of glee on their faces. @#&!*$, I hate it when they're right.

The only consolation is in the fact that I will get to sit back some day and giggle as they begin the payback process, tee hee!

marty's 2 pennies said...
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Unknown said...

I think Reckless Kelly says it best: "Lets put on the Wiggles and pop a couple Riddlin!"

Jenny Albro said...

I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT U MEAN! Im glad Im not alone in thinking this!

Racquel Dawn said...

Just wait until they are teenagers and you really don't have control. Your list of people to murder will grow and grow. Pray. Pray hard. :)