Monday, June 9, 2008

Episode 5: The answer(s) to my prayer.

I once heard it said that God answers prayers with one of three answers. Yes, no, and wait.

He often answers with a “yes”. God knows how to give good things to his children.

He sometimes answers “no”. God, who is a parent like me, also knows that I don’t need everything I think I do. I may want it, but that doesn’t mean I need it. So my natural response to an answer of “no” usually resembles my kids response when I tell them “no”. I throw a little tantrum, or ask “why” repeatedly thinking I will some how change the mind of a loving parent (God) who knows what is best for me. It never works by the way. I know none of your kids, or any of you, act that way. It’s only me and my kids.

In my life though, I have discovered that “no” is not the hardest answer to take. I think it is “wait”. In a culture that is all about instant gratification (See: drive-through windows and credit card debt), “wait” is not something that is easy to deal with. It seems to me it would just be easier to get a “no”. At least then I could throw my tantrum and be done with it. When I have to wait it causes me to be patient. (something I have never been good at)

I am going through a “wait” time in my life right now. There is something that I have prayed, begged, and pleaded with God to give me. He hasn’t said “no”, but “wait”. It isn’t easy waiting, but when the time comes I will see why He has chosen to make me wait, and it will be better than anything I could have come up with.

I can’t wait!


Unknown said...

You're right, wait is the most difficult response to deal with but it is often during those times that we talk and listen to Him more as we wait (impatiently)for His answer.

robowerks said...

You only have to wait until July 11th, that is when the new iPhone comes out. I'm sure you'll get a yes at that time. ;)

Brandon said...

Praying it through with you brother...God's timing is always perfect.

Brooks Inc. said...


We join you in anticpation...asking that the Lord would reveal in His perfect time, His perfect answer...An older friend of mine reminds me frequently, "The Lord is seldom early, but never late."

Blessings to you today. Tony and I have realized we actully miss t-ball...or at least the conversations we all had while watching the kids...


Brooks Inc. said...


Can you email us at tony and becky @ hotmail. com (Delete the spaces)

I can't find you guys email anywhere and Tony is wanting to get in touch!