Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Episode 12: Let's get sexual!

Our world is driven by sex. It's everywhere and you can't stick your head in the sand and deny it. Sex is used to sell everything from cars to mops, it's on every freeway, in every magazine, and on every channel, or so it seems. Our culture has taken a God given gift and twisted it into what it was never intended to be and it's high time WE as Christians start making the effort to turn this destructive movement on its heels and make a difference in our world.

I think there are two places where we HAVE to talk about sex.

The first is in the home. Parents we have the responsibility of making sure our kids understand what God, and his Word, have to say regarding sex. WAKE UP! Don't be deceived! Your kids WILL learn about sex at school. I don't care if you paid extra for them to be in a private Christian school, they will still be surrounded by other kids and they WILL talk about sex. Do you want your kids to learn about sex from them, or you? Take the time to figure out when and how to have this difficult conversation and DO IT. If you need help, read on.

The second place we MUST have the sex talk is in the church. We have to talk about it in the church because the BIBLE talks about it. I have been encouraged as of late because a lot of churches have finally wised up and started talking about sex. For far too long the church has been way too passive on this matter. Somewhere along the course of church history we got the idea that sex is "dirty" and it became taboo to talk about it. The truth is that God created sex and made it so that, in the right context, we can worship Him through it.

One of the many churches that has began to be very vocal concerning sex is Fellowship Church right here in Grapevine, TX. Through the vision and Godly leadership of their pastor Ed Young, they are playing a huge role in turning our cultures' thoughts and actions of sex back to what God intended it to be.

Ed is currently doing a series called "Leaving Lust Vegas" concerning sexual sin and purity. I highly recommend that you check it out. The most talked about part of this series is Ed's "Seven Days of Sex" challenge. In the hopes of restoring intimacy and strength to marriages, he has challenged all of the married couples at Fellowship to have sex every day for seven days. Check it out here.

The media, who of course knows everything that is righteous and holy, has grabbed hold of this and has literally gone crazy. Ed has been interviewed on practically every major network, on morning talk shows, and even on ESPN! The fact that God is using the secular media to spread His Word makes me want to shout. I love God's sense of humor!

I also love the creativity that is in play with this idea and I am hoping it is just the beginning of a cultural revolution regarding love, intimacy, and sex. I am so thankful that God is still in the life-changing business and that he is leading his Church to go against the grain and teach the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.

So how about it couples? Will you take the challenge? I would love to hear your thoughts.


Racquel Dawn said...

You betcha! These are my thoughts exactly!

homecooks said...

way to go Nate. I totally agree with you. Its time to stop letting other people talk to our kids and teach them about something that we should be teaching them.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Much agree! I've heard the comment that Ed Young's class is only for marketing, and he can care less about the truth behind his teachings. That's BOGUS! I totally agree with your thoughts! Kudos!!

Unknown said...

Just wanted you to know how much Dicky and I love listening to you sing, It makes us both feel so good,I do have a request some sunday at church we would love to hear you sing I CAN ONLY IMAGINE
to hear you sing it would just be wonderful, have a great day!
Pam Simmons